Sunday, June 21, 2009

I left my heart in New Delhi

I left my heart in New Delhi
The city with a big belly
Where people often have a huge heart
and hold an even bigger political rally

Just sitting on hill today I thought
that it is the city that I miss a lot
Men may like peace and quite
but that is not what I sought

I feel terribly alone in dark forests here
I miss the bright lights and city noises there
After all at some point or the other
there are common memories we share

I know I would miss my home
Whether I live in Paris or in Rome
Life without Delhi is lifeless
the place where I have grown


Munlite redefined said...

sadddii diillliii ROCCCCCKKKSSSSSSSSSSS;))

Ethan said...

yes indeed...but i donn consider da usual punjabization of delhi ....delhi is much beyond punjabis n jatts dat inhabit its northern and south western areas resp...its a cosmo city n i luv dat aspect....

Soumyasanta Roy said...

I can relate to the post.. though wrt to Kolkata... :)

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