Thursday, July 23, 2009

Wish Lyf was a Sitcom !!!

I wished life was a sitcom
where everything seems pretty and nothing is wrong
Where our lives would also have a happy ending
Lives would have been simple and there was no pretending

Lovers ended living happily ever after
Audience never felt sad, life was full of laughter
Bad guys were always caught on time
There were few criminals and fewer crimes

High school had no bullies only parties and prom
College was more about beer and babes and had no norms
Office was fun to attend, with crushes on secretaries
People would have hardly worked and lounged in breweries

But reality is far away from a sitcom on the tele
Hunks and damsels dont exist, what we see are mostly beer bellies
I wish I lived a sitcom life too
Where life was a bliss and problems were few


Akash Verma said...

I object! Life IS a just can't see the cameras...or hear the audience laughing. But its there...its all there...

Ethan said...

i too thgt so, but then i passed outta college !!!

Warning: Radioactive Content !!!

Statutory Warning : The content on this blog may appear inappropriate to some users and is highly toxic in nature. Prolonged exposure to the content may cause severe deficiency in the Medulla Oblongata of humans. The author has no responsibility for any national, organizational or personal losses that may occur to the reader after reading this blog.
The posts are chaotic in nature and reflect the moods of the author who is an eccentric person.