Thursday, August 27, 2009

Live by chance !!!

Life is such a dicey game
Like the roulette, bringing a few with money and fame
Some spend their entire life in the hunt for gold
But in the end their search is futile with no luck in their fold

I tried my luck too, took my chance on the dice
But realized it was a mad race with mazes beleaguering the mice
Does that mean that we give up and relax?
What if we don’t do anything, then what is the price?

Life is never a free lunch you can enjoy
It’s sinusoidal, full of sorrow and joy
But the joys don’t come at your ease
You need to take your chance and have people to please

You need to handle the sorrows with dignity
Not lose your calm, show some character of divinity
Life will bring its gifts to you at its pace
Learn to run with pleasure and enjoy the mad race

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Warning: Radioactive Content !!!

Statutory Warning : The content on this blog may appear inappropriate to some users and is highly toxic in nature. Prolonged exposure to the content may cause severe deficiency in the Medulla Oblongata of humans. The author has no responsibility for any national, organizational or personal losses that may occur to the reader after reading this blog.
The posts are chaotic in nature and reflect the moods of the author who is an eccentric person.