Wednesday, May 08, 2013

I am backkk !!!

After almost a year, I am back in the game.....There has been a lot in my cupboard and I never told anyone about it....Will start posting poems which I wrote a few years back and never published here thinking that I will jinx my chances....anyways years have gone by and the intensity faded away as my then love interest never came to know about how I felt....So here they come at regular intervals...hope you guys like it.... 

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Warning: Radioactive Content !!!

Statutory Warning : The content on this blog may appear inappropriate to some users and is highly toxic in nature. Prolonged exposure to the content may cause severe deficiency in the Medulla Oblongata of humans. The author has no responsibility for any national, organizational or personal losses that may occur to the reader after reading this blog.
The posts are chaotic in nature and reflect the moods of the author who is an eccentric person.