Friday, July 31, 2009

Bored of MBA !!!

They often said, ohh it’s the greatest of all
Better than calling someone your honour, better than being on call
Better than writing abstract codes, better than letting theories unfold
I say, its not that great at all, I had more fun on my last trip to a mall

Harvard, Sloan, LBS, you hear these names all the time
Kotler, Ross, Ghemawat are the names in your mind which rhyme
You work for twenty hours a day to learn what common prudence is
Solving cases, making reports and decorating presentations eats up your life and time

Its not all bad, but after all I am human
I have interests, I have a life, I have some acumen
MBA kills all the three at one go
I miss the one year that zoomed by or so

By next spring, it all will be over
I will surely cheer the end remaining sober
Well finally, MBA told me one thing for sure
It is not made for the ones who are lazy or rovers.

1 comment:

Anurag said...

main join kyon kiya

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Statutory Warning : The content on this blog may appear inappropriate to some users and is highly toxic in nature. Prolonged exposure to the content may cause severe deficiency in the Medulla Oblongata of humans. The author has no responsibility for any national, organizational or personal losses that may occur to the reader after reading this blog.
The posts are chaotic in nature and reflect the moods of the author who is an eccentric person.