Monday, March 01, 2010

Walk into the sunset

Dedicated to the Class of 2010 - IIM Shillong

Walk into the sunset, O wanderlust

Walk down the snowy mountains, walk down the paths laid with dust

Life is a journey with beginning or end

No one knows where the road will go after the next bend

Forget all the pains, forget all the sorrows

Spread the cheer as you walk down, let others borrow

There will be gardens of Eden and there will be empty quarters

But the song you sing should not die down as you walk farther

Walk into the lonely nights with a smile

Make your journey, one to remember and worthwhile

There will be dawn after the dark night before you realize

Do not give in to the darkness; the dawn will be a cherished prize

Walk into the sunset, O wanderlust

Pack those bags and don’t let your dreams gather dust

Life will be a happy song only if you sing with a smile

Steer your boat to the elusive emerald isle




Nalini Hebbar said...

put in the chorus and refrain and I think you have a song!

Ethan said...

I know, a song only actually inspired me...."Yunhi Chala Chal" from Swades

Warning: Radioactive Content !!!

Statutory Warning : The content on this blog may appear inappropriate to some users and is highly toxic in nature. Prolonged exposure to the content may cause severe deficiency in the Medulla Oblongata of humans. The author has no responsibility for any national, organizational or personal losses that may occur to the reader after reading this blog.
The posts are chaotic in nature and reflect the moods of the author who is an eccentric person.