Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Love Letter from a Financial Analyst to Her Love Interest

Dearest Most Valuable Asset of My Balance Sheet,

Since the day I have fallen in so deep in love with you, just like the stock market fell in 1929, I have not been able to hold back my feelings which are as vulnerable as goodwill on a balance sheet of an Internet firm, I am writing this special love credit note to you. My blood flow is surpassing the cash flow of all the stocks trading on the Nifty 50 as I think of you. No longer am I rational as a technical analyst, your love has made me as irrational as a retail investor in an uncertain market. I hope there is no uncertainty on the trading floor of your heart as I have already bought all the shares of your love and left none for any other potential investors. I will go bankrupt if you declare that your balance sheet and income statements of love were over stated.

I hope that you will take care of your sole shareholder and not issue an FPO for other potential buyers. I am really scared of the PE firms which have been luring you with their skimpy skirts, overstated assets and perpetual proforma cash flow. I do not seek any immediate dividend in terms of gifts and presents. I hope that this relationship as long lasting as between Warren Buffet and Goldman Sachs. You know I am not a Venture Capitalist who has been involved in risky investments in the past. I look for moderate returns and a loyal management which takes care of its shareholders. According to my friends you are grossly overvalued at the moment but looking at your past performance and future prospects as a lover I see a bright future with you. I firmly believe that you will outperform the market of potential suitors and shower me with the heaviest of dividends of love even though I am not expecting anything too soon. Hope that one day there is a merger between the two of us. Love you more than Bloomberg.

Financially Yours

A Financial Analyst


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your post and information ((o;

Anonymous said...

Its great that the fin Analyst is not looking for immediate dividends and waiting for Capital appreciation..... but he needs to be careful of the fact that there will not be any LBO !!!! :D

Munlite redefined said...

Keep writing like this , always :)

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The posts are chaotic in nature and reflect the moods of the author who is an eccentric person.